Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Legal and moral!

Code of conduct

Advertisements must contain nothing that could cause physical, mental, moral or social harm to persons under the age of 18.

Our ChildLine campaign video would include a phone number in case any young adults or parents are affected by the video. If anyone feels hurt by the video mentally than the number is there for help and take in complaints.

We are also editing the video in pre-production to dim the clips so in case if any of our viewers have epilepsy

Advertisements must not include material that is likely to condone or encourage behaviour that prejudices health or safety.

5.3 Advertisements must not condone or encourage practices that are detrimental to children's health.

5.3 states that if any harm to children’s health is intended in the campaign video then is would be banned. E.G a child smoking and loving it and the child encouraging it to his friends than this would be detrimental to the health of the health of our primary audience (Children). Our ChildLine campaign video wouldn’t include anything detrimental to the health of our viewers.

5.4 Advertisements must not condone or encourage bullying.

5.4 Our campaign video would include things such as depression for the primary audience to feel sympathy for the person being bullied, this would impact the viewers and somehow make them feel bad for bullying in the past or the future. Our campaign discourages bullying it sends many different messages to the audience, however the message are not bait.

5.5 Advertisements must not portray or represent children in a sexual way.

5.5 Our campaign has exposure of how it feels like to be In a relationships however has no sexual or inappropriate physical activity between the male and female. We see how it feels like to be in a relationship, meaning we can see how the good and bad in a relationship.

5.7 Advertisements must not take advantage of children's inexperience, credulity or sense of loyalty.

5.7 In our campaign we don’t include things that are too deep and hurtful for the viewers. For example if we have a video of a fight and the primary audience is for young teenagers, than they shouldn’t be too much exposure in the video as it could bring back memories for the person harming someone or even bring tears to the victims eye.

5.2 Advertisements must not condone, encourage or unreasonably feature behaviour that could be dangerous for children to emulate.

5.2 Our campaign video has nothing harmful or dangerous encouraged. It is kept simple and easy for the audience to understand however contains many small messages which will be understood if watched many times. It is irrelevant to any violence or danger.


1 comment:

  1. Some of this is clear and well written, and for example you explain how the messages may well be upsetting, but you will provide a helpline. Other parts are a little vague and you haven't always fully understood the language used in the code. Also you use slang terms ("bait")!Proof read again. V and C
